Investment Adviser Services

Venecredit Securities, Inc. seeks to preserve and increase the wealth of its clients by developing customized investment strategies.

High Perfomance Financial Strategies

Our priority is to provide you with the financial attention you need at all times. We build your investment portfolio to be a true reflection of your financial situation, income requirements and liquidity.

Independence is an essential element that allows us to establish and maintain, in a responsible manner, successful relationships with our demanding clients.

As an independent company serving clients in South Florida, Latin America and Europe, we have access to a wide range of financial products, in-depth and specialized market analysis services that allow us to objectively choose the alternatives that best fit the profile, needs and objectives of our clients.

Advisor Accounts

Invest in the 5 different risk models managed by Venecredit Securities, where account monitoring and rebalancing is ongoing.

Conservative Model

75% Fixed Income
25% Equities

Moderate Model

40% Fixed Income
60% Equities

Aggressive Model

20% Fixed Income
80% Equities

All Equity Model

100% Equities

All Fixed Income

100% Fixed Income

An exclusive service

Venecredit Securities Inc strives to offer you the highest level of personalized service while guiding you. We will never lose sight of your financial goals and will keep you informed through monthly account reports. Our staff does not earn commissions on products offered so there is no conflict of interest between your investments and other client’s investment objectives.